Four sure signs there’s going to be a wedding: a frog at the door, front of the dress on fire, cups with two spoons and mother cuts the sign of the cross overhead

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by Sharry Wright, San Francisco


Sharry based her collage on a combination of four pieces of folklore:

A frog coming to the door is a sign of marriage in the family

If a girl’s apron takes fire in front it is a sign of marriage

Two spoons given in cup signify an invitation to a wedding

Some mothers cut the sign of the Cross with tongs held in left hand three times over the head and three times at the feet of a girl going out to be married



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M. McHugh, New York


“If a girl’s apron takes fire in front it is a sign of marriage. Fire on the side or the back is a sign of misfortune” 


A cottage. Girl stands in front of fire. 


MOTHER  You’re standing awful close there to the fire.

GIRL         Am I? I’m not, surely. 


GIRL moves closer to the fire. 


MOTHER  Ah you are now, you’ll catch fire altogether. 

GIRL         Sure, I won’t at all. 


GIRL moves closer to fire again. Catches on fire. 


GIRL          Oh my apron’s on fire! It’s on fire! 

MOTHER   Jesus above, isn’t that a sign of marriage. 

GIRL           Tis! Tis! Indeed! 

OLD AUNT IN THE CORNER  Looks like your apron is on backwards. 

GIRL           Is it? 

MOTHER    Oh misfortunes, misfortunes! That’s a sign of misfortunes! 

GIRL           Misfortune!

OLD AUNT IN THE CORNER  Indeed! Sure you’re on fire!